The Revolution X Pro gamepad controller weighs 230 grams without adding any weights. The USB-C charging port on the Nacon Revolution X Pro controller is recessed inside a cutout, which is nice as it minimizes stress on the USB-C port when the cable is inserted. You can only fit one spacer around the built-in spacer. The thumbsticks have a positive resistance to them and feature a non-removable metal spacer already built-in. The plastic crate has a snap closure and integrates a piece of perforated foam internally to press down the weights and prevent the weights from shifting around inside. The weights come nicely inside a tinted smoke plastic crate with an eggcrate-like grille to neatly store all the weights, as well as one set of grip covers. The one on the left stick has a mill textured finish to it, while the right stick grip cover has a carving of Nacon's logo. The stock grip covers that come pre-installed have different texture. The dome ones provide a few millimeters of extra height, although it would have been neater if a set of taller grips were added to get more angle to play with. You get four grip covers in total - two of them are rounded inward (concave) and the other two are rounded outward (domed). The thumb stick grip covers weigh approximately 1 gram each. The thin weight spacers for the stick stem weigh 5 grams (2.5 grams each), while the thicker spacers weigh 8 grams (4 grams each). Simply slide out the hand grip back panels and slot the weight in place. Removing and adding the weights is easy and straightforward. For instance, the 16g weight indicates 16 grams exactly. The numbering on the hand grip weights indicate the weight. It includes hand grip weights, which look like miniature gym dumbells. The Revolution X Pro controller is feature packed. That's why everyone loves Xbox controllers, although being able to customize your controller is even better, which is why custom controllers such as the Nacon Revolution X Pro is a growing niche market! It doesn’t help that they are still, otherwise, hard to get for most people as the bots and scalpers continue to wreck the consoles when they have hit Amazon.Just like wine connoisseurs, gamers love varity. The list of truly next-gen titles is incredibly short, even over a year after the new consoles are launched. Most games, even some major first-party titles like Horizon: Forbidden West, still launched across many generations of consoles. Steelrising joins a small list of games that are launching only on next-gen consoles. But that might be a spoiler for the game. I have questions about how the king of France during the 1700’s had an army of robots. If you have one or two, please give it to Spiders. The defenders of the game plan to create a video game aimed at answering players questions about this new action RPG. It’s a third-person action RPG that is running playtests this year. Steelrising was revealed first this year and is being developed by Spiders, the same studio behind Greedfall and Technomancer. We’re killing the robots and keeping Paris out of the bad king.

His name is Aegis, and according to the developers behind the game he’s an engineer marvel and will change the history. So the people need a robot, or a robot that happens to be a steampunk robot, and still good. The city is under devastation by the mad king Louis XVI and his army of steampunk-era robots.

However, things are different in this world. The game is set in the Paris area during the French Revolution in 1789.
This game comes with PC, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox 5. Steelrisinggot a new trailer tonight during the Game Awards 2021, showing off its wild mix of robots and an ancient France. Screenshot: Nacon, Spiders, Kotaku, Nacon, Spider.